About Me

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I am an average middle aged woman, mother, wife and nurse. My dream has always been to write as a profession. I have an A.A. in liberal studies; an ASN in nursing; BA in professional technical writing; and a MFA in creative writing. If you enjoy my writing here please visit my other sites and spread the word to all of your friends. Thank you for your time and interest Amy K Walraven

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Team Jacob!

Today I turned in my final paper for the semester, uploaded my web project, and took the last final for the semester. I am done with one semester...yay!

Went Christmas shopping this afternoon and finally bought some presents. Today I concentrated on the grandkids, but one more paycheck and I will pick a couple kids off of the salvation army tree. I make sure to do that every year. It is my gift to myself.

Tomorrow is the the first day in a very long time that I have nothing to do. I am going to sleep in. I am not getting up at 6am. I'm gonna do some much needed cleaning. My husband has been in charge of the cleaning all semester, and lets face it, men do not see dirt the way woman do.

But most important on my schedule tomorrow is to read the fourth book of the twilight series. I have been saving it all semester just waiting for enough free time. I cannot wait to get into the story. TEAM JACOB!!

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