About Me

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I am an average middle aged woman, mother, wife and nurse. My dream has always been to write as a profession. I have an A.A. in liberal studies; an ASN in nursing; BA in professional technical writing; and a MFA in creative writing. If you enjoy my writing here please visit my other sites and spread the word to all of your friends. Thank you for your time and interest Amy K Walraven

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Final Project

Today I have nothing but school on my list of things to do. I do not have to work at the hospital, for home care, or hospice. Yes, I do all three. The hospital full time, home care and hospice on a prn basis. But nobody called me this week to work, and I didn't go out of my way to call them. So, here I sit in the library working on my project.

I do have a paper due in my bible as literature class. I am writing a paper on Cain and Abel. This has turned out to be more difficult than I expected. I am not a procrastinator when it comes to homework, but this paper is due tomorrow and I do not have a final draft yet. But after I go home and have lunch with my husband I will finalize the draft I have and be done.

This morning I focused my time on my web project. It is coming along quite nicely. I was able to go in and change the code on my template so that it suited my needs. Very proud of myself for that. I have almost everything done and ready to upload to the internet. I mostly need to put in photos, and links. I have not started the brochure yet, but I did pick out a template. I am very happy with the progress I made today.

I made a point of taking the time today. We are running out of class time where I can ask questions. I am not sure I will be going to class on Friday because I am going to the premier show of Twilight-new moon with my oldest daughter. Her daughters (my granddaughters) are small yet (age 1 and 3) so we do not get out much together anymore. Well, out without the girls to do adult things. I may be too tired to drive an hour each way for an hour class. I think I can get more done dedicating three hours at home on my own computer.

Well life comes down to priorities and choices doesn't it?

Today I am just enjoying the relaxed nature of it, thriving in the progress I am making, and glad the semester is almost over.


  1. Missed you again today. Hope you had a good holiday.

  2. Don't worry I have been in the library several hours before and after class working on my project.
