About Me

My photo
I am an average middle aged woman, mother, wife and nurse. My dream has always been to write as a profession. I have an A.A. in liberal studies; an ASN in nursing; BA in professional technical writing; and a MFA in creative writing. If you enjoy my writing here please visit my other sites and spread the word to all of your friends. Thank you for your time and interest Amy K Walraven

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Team Jacob!

Today I turned in my final paper for the semester, uploaded my web project, and took the last final for the semester. I am done with one semester...yay!

Went Christmas shopping this afternoon and finally bought some presents. Today I concentrated on the grandkids, but one more paycheck and I will pick a couple kids off of the salvation army tree. I make sure to do that every year. It is my gift to myself.

Tomorrow is the the first day in a very long time that I have nothing to do. I am going to sleep in. I am not getting up at 6am. I'm gonna do some much needed cleaning. My husband has been in charge of the cleaning all semester, and lets face it, men do not see dirt the way woman do.

But most important on my schedule tomorrow is to read the fourth book of the twilight series. I have been saving it all semester just waiting for enough free time. I cannot wait to get into the story. TEAM JACOB!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

My master piece

My web project is done!! I asked a friend to proof read it for me. When that is done I will put the link on blackboard. I'm so excited :)

Friday, December 4, 2009

A Quickie

Its 0230 in the morning and I am at work. I am so tired. I think at best I slept 15min since I got up Friday morning at 0600 for class. Things went well in class to day and for the most part I am done with the final project. I had some publishing problems, but they have all been worked out. All I need to do now is get to my home computer and execute the final uploading. I can not wait to know it is done.

I have showed my creation off at work all night, and they all think I am now a computer genius. I laugh because my knowledge is only a small chip out of the iceburg. I celebrate my achievements in computers though.

Well, back to work...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A long Holiday

I am back from Thanksgiving winding up my classes. I was only gone a week, but it was a long week. Thanksgiving was nice. I enjoyed the grandkids, however, there was no left over turkey after dinner. That news in itself is depressing. My waist line is better for it.

Friday I went to my 20year class reunion. Yes, it has been that long. Most everyone became older and fatter like myself. The men had less hair. I saw my oldest friend, Tonya. We went to preschool together. The cutest most popular boy in school came up to me and said, "I remember you, do you remember me?" He asked like it was actually a possibility to forget him. Perceptions are strange. All in all it was a good night.

Saturday was rough for me. My best friend and love of my life died in August and I went to his grave. I missed the funeral because I am here in Florida and he was there in Michigan. I stood on the grass numb with tears just behind my eyes. He does not have a grave stone. His mother cannot afford one. I cannot imagine this world without him in it, and I do go on each day aware of his absence,but only shock has set in. I miss him beyond words.

I am not a weak person, and I know that life goes on both in this world and in the after world. However, how do I say I am devastated without sounding self absorbed?

deep inside
I am slumped into a ball
the tears are welling
in my eyes.
I pray
you never see
a single tear
slide down my cheek.
I am standing before you
and you see me
standing tall,
but you have been decieved
I am about to fall.

Teusday I returned to the final week of school and I have been writing papers, and finishing projects non stop since. The end of my first semester back in school. Boy did it go fast. It is just a beginning but it is nice to have made another step toward my goal. I have been slowly walking this uphill trail since the labor pains started on my 17th birthday and I am ready to get to the end and have hot chocolate.

As far as the project, it is coming along quite nicely. I will write the reflective memo after this entry, and then it is just tying up loose ends. I need to cross my T's and dot my I's. Good luck on finals everyone. It all starts again in January.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Final Project

Today I have nothing but school on my list of things to do. I do not have to work at the hospital, for home care, or hospice. Yes, I do all three. The hospital full time, home care and hospice on a prn basis. But nobody called me this week to work, and I didn't go out of my way to call them. So, here I sit in the library working on my project.

I do have a paper due in my bible as literature class. I am writing a paper on Cain and Abel. This has turned out to be more difficult than I expected. I am not a procrastinator when it comes to homework, but this paper is due tomorrow and I do not have a final draft yet. But after I go home and have lunch with my husband I will finalize the draft I have and be done.

This morning I focused my time on my web project. It is coming along quite nicely. I was able to go in and change the code on my template so that it suited my needs. Very proud of myself for that. I have almost everything done and ready to upload to the internet. I mostly need to put in photos, and links. I have not started the brochure yet, but I did pick out a template. I am very happy with the progress I made today.

I made a point of taking the time today. We are running out of class time where I can ask questions. I am not sure I will be going to class on Friday because I am going to the premier show of Twilight-new moon with my oldest daughter. Her daughters (my granddaughters) are small yet (age 1 and 3) so we do not get out much together anymore. Well, out without the girls to do adult things. I may be too tired to drive an hour each way for an hour class. I think I can get more done dedicating three hours at home on my own computer.

Well life comes down to priorities and choices doesn't it?

Today I am just enjoying the relaxed nature of it, thriving in the progress I am making, and glad the semester is almost over.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Comming together....slowly

It has been a long weekend. Friday's class I left a little confused as to how I was suppose to put all of the things my instructor wanted together into one project. I let it whirl around in my head, went to bed when I got home and started my weekend of three 12hour night shifts at the hospital. They were, as usual, three long nights. I left work this am and headed to class for another go around.

My instructor gave me some one on one instruction/explanations and everything is coming together in my head. I have some ideas for my personal page, and the brochure. My instructor said be creative...I hope she is ready for that. lol

I am very proud of myself, and feeling a little excited to be creating something that just a couple months ago was a far fetched out of this world concept for me. It has come down to my realm of understanding. I thank my instructor immensely, there is no way to explain how this knowledge has helped me in life and will help me in my future employment. It brings me to even ground with my competitor. So many small things my instructor didn't even know I needed to be taught has come from this course. I didn't know how to open inside a document, or even save a document to various places on the computer, I didn't even know how to open a new tab before this class began. I now know two ways to open a new tab. I now complete my charting at work in half the time it use to take me. So again I thank my instructor. I also thank my classmate, and she knows who she is, for never losing patience with me when I ask the simple minded questions.

Maybe this crazy idea of going back to school at my age was not as crazy as it felt at first...maybe.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Stop and take a deep breath

It is approximately 30 minutes before my class starts today. I have not completed any web page yet, and today we are doing yet another. I came to the library to see if I could get caught up, but I am only becoming hopelessly confused. I have played with dreamweaver for over an hour now and I am unable to understand any of it. I cannot find a tutorial that does not speak above my head. I do understand the HTML project we worked on Friday. I just have not finished it yet. I will be back in the library after class. Right now I just want to sit down and cry.

When I started work last night at 1900 hours the night began to unravel. Before we could finish report there was a code. that patient was still alive when I left this am, but its minute by minute for her. Thinking without thought the team performs CPR/ACLS as if one thinking unit. A woman's life at stake, and to me its just another night at work. However, an hour and a half in this library and I am brought to tears...

...I need coffee and a moment before class, huh....

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Beginning a web page

Mondays are really long for me. By the time I arrive home after class I have been up about 20hours. Therefore, when I get home I usually eat some much needed comfort food and get to bed. Yesterday was no exception. So, today I write an entry about class yesterday.

I watched the tutorial during class, and I left class with thoughts in my head about a web page. I drove down the road for my hour drive home in my old trusty truck. My son had borrowed my car for a trip to New Orleans and I was really starting to miss the car. I drove down the road with old school rock and roll blaring out of the blown speakers, and all I could think about was relevance.

Relevance of my emotionally void marriage, relevance of all these long hours I now keep, and the relevance of a web page. Not why I need to know how to make a web page, but what relevance would my web page have. What is relevant enough to be worthy of the world wide web. I still ponder this today, and I continue to be without relevance.

Bogged down with long hours today as well. Tuesdays I leave my home at 0700 and do not arrive home until 1900. I now do my piling up homework. I have medical things to attend to in the morning and will be missing class, but my brain is continuously working.

Tonight I attempted to follow the new directions to finish the photo editing from previous. However, I still am unable to make it work as it should. I am trudging along one step at a time. I will get there. And relevance will come.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Photo Editing

Wednesday started early with a dash to the bathroom, and a mess my husband was less than thrilled to clean up. I was officially ill. When I finally raised my woozy head around dinner time I started editing photos.
First, it took almost two hours to download the program onto my laptop, then the tutorials were a waste of my time. All I could find were advertisements and choices about things I had never heard of before. However, with all of these frustrating setbacks and several dashes to the bathroom I got started. In retrospect I should have never tried to eat any dinner even if it was just chicken soup.
I read the instructions easily and went with ease making the photos. My coloring job on the landscape looks more like my granddaughters did it, but I had fun. I kind of like the preschooler look. My original head shot looks more like some abstract art project now than a photo, but again I kinda like it. Some may argue it is an improvement.
The final picture to be done was the picture in words, and I tried it over and over again. I must say at least 50 times. So I brought it to Prof. Hickman's attention, and we are still currently working on the problem.
This experience has been a lot like the day I walked into my first nursing job in a rehab center located in Hudson. There were trachs, wound vacs, tubes and bags of every kind. All of those new toys, like a kid in a candy store with that weeks allowance. It was very scary but also very exciting. The only difference between that and downloading this new photo toy on my computer is that people's well being was not at stake. Of course, no one was ever harmed, but the weight of the knowledge that every step taken affected another individual directly and several more indirectly is heavy.
The anxiety is high, but my eyes are open wide and my neurons are firing with fury. It is almost an adrenaline rush. (almost) I know these seem easy and second nature to so many, but like the new born baby all of this is brand new to me.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Crazy ideas for advancement

One day while sitting at work I began a conversation with a doctor. This is not surprising since I work in a hospital. I am a nurse. Anyway, we began thinking about life dreams, and I realized that I had not attained my wish list of life dreams. So with my 40th birthday barrelling at me at a higher rate of speed than Christmas, I went back to college.
All I can say now is what was I thinking. Now I work and go to school without sleep, I stay up all hours of the night doing homework, and I drive an hour each way to class. I never knew I had this kind of energy.
My daughter started college this year as well. We have a friendly competition with our grades. I am happy to say I am winning. However, I spend less time with my friends than she does. At work I am open about my new endeavor, and I am cheered on by all. All of my patients are impressed and proud, and my children are and always have been the thread to keep me going. I do not get support from my husband, but that is a completely different blog.
I start today with the story of how this blog began. I write this for the scariest class I have ever taken. But today I have conquered a great fear, and I can't wait to call my daughter.
So, hello and welcome to my blog.