About Me

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I am an average middle aged woman, mother, wife and nurse. My dream has always been to write as a profession. I have an A.A. in liberal studies; an ASN in nursing; BA in professional technical writing; and a MFA in creative writing. If you enjoy my writing here please visit my other sites and spread the word to all of your friends. Thank you for your time and interest Amy K Walraven

Friday, October 30, 2009

Photo Editing

Wednesday started early with a dash to the bathroom, and a mess my husband was less than thrilled to clean up. I was officially ill. When I finally raised my woozy head around dinner time I started editing photos.
First, it took almost two hours to download the program onto my laptop, then the tutorials were a waste of my time. All I could find were advertisements and choices about things I had never heard of before. However, with all of these frustrating setbacks and several dashes to the bathroom I got started. In retrospect I should have never tried to eat any dinner even if it was just chicken soup.
I read the instructions easily and went with ease making the photos. My coloring job on the landscape looks more like my granddaughters did it, but I had fun. I kind of like the preschooler look. My original head shot looks more like some abstract art project now than a photo, but again I kinda like it. Some may argue it is an improvement.
The final picture to be done was the picture in words, and I tried it over and over again. I must say at least 50 times. So I brought it to Prof. Hickman's attention, and we are still currently working on the problem.
This experience has been a lot like the day I walked into my first nursing job in a rehab center located in Hudson. There were trachs, wound vacs, tubes and bags of every kind. All of those new toys, like a kid in a candy store with that weeks allowance. It was very scary but also very exciting. The only difference between that and downloading this new photo toy on my computer is that people's well being was not at stake. Of course, no one was ever harmed, but the weight of the knowledge that every step taken affected another individual directly and several more indirectly is heavy.
The anxiety is high, but my eyes are open wide and my neurons are firing with fury. It is almost an adrenaline rush. (almost) I know these seem easy and second nature to so many, but like the new born baby all of this is brand new to me.

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